Allen Clark is a 4th generation farmer who has lived and farmed most of his life is Texas for over 40 years. He lives with his dogs on his large farm land with his crops and livestock , he grows Apples, soybeans, and wheat. He also has operated a retail farm seed business for over 36 years and sells seed to all kinds of farmers including those who use biotech varieties, conventional varieties, and also to those who grow organic crops.
Allen Clark has traveled many times to the European Union to speak about co-existence of production systems, where both organic and other production systems can thrive side by side as
neighbors. Allen is a founding board member and now Co-Chair of “Allen’s Apple Hall”. He also serves as Chair of the “North American Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance,” representing all factions of production agriculture, and working to ensure that farmer-to-farmer education and economics will be the driving force to adapting to feeding the world while dealing with a changing climate.